Mukul, S.A. 2015. Shifting cultivation in the upland secondary forests of the Philippines: biodiversity and carbon stock assessment, and ecosystem services trade-offs in land-use decisions. PhD Thesis, The University of Queensland, Australia. doi:10.14264/uql.2016.222. [PDF]
Mukul, S.A. 2011. Swidden Cultivation among two Chepang Communities in the Central Hill Districts of Nepal: Local perceptions and factors influencing change. MSc. Thesis, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. iii + 66 p. [PDF]
Mukul, S.A. 2009. Ecological trade-offs between agroforestry land-use, biodiversity conservation and management intensification, Case study from in and around Lawachara National Park, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh . MSc. Thesis, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. xi + 115 p. [PDF]
Mukul, S.A. 2007. Bridging livelihoods and forest conservation in protected areas: Exploring the role and scope of non-timber forest products. Field experience from Satchari National Park, Habiganj, Bangladesh. BSc. Dissertation, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. xi + 95 p. [PDF]
Management plan and other report
Tallis, H., Huang, C., Herbohn, J., Holl, K., Mukul, S.A., Morshed, K.A.M. 2019. Steps toward Forest Landscape Restoration in the context of the Rohingya influx: Creating opportunities to advance environmental, humanitarian, and development progress in Bangladesh. CGD Policy Paper 148, Centre for Global Development and The Nature Conservancy, Washington DC, USA, 35 p. [PDF] [DOI]
Tallis, H., Huang, C., Herbohn, J., Holl, K., Mukul, S.A., Morshed, K.A.M. 2019. Creating opportunities for Rohingya refugees and hosts through Forest Landscape Restoration. CGD Policy Brief, Centre for Global Development and The Nature Conservancy, Washington DC, USA. [PDF] [DOI]
Thompson, E., Pradhan, D.K., Jovanovic, M., Jawo, T.O., Andrae, T., Mukul, S.A. 2010. Development of a community market in the Wondo Genet Integrated Watershed Management Area, Ethiopia. Technical Report to TU Dresden, Germany, 23 p. [PDF]
Mukul, S.A. with 25 others. 2007. Ten Years' Proposed Management Plan for Fasiakhali Range of Cox’s Bazar North Forest Division (Duration: 2007- 08 to 2016-17). A management plan prepared for the partial fulfillment of BSc. (Hons.) degree on professional Forestry. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. xiii + 166 pp.
Mukul, S.A. 2007. Biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in Bangladesh: An overview of the present status, management problems and future prospects. A review report submitted at the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. iv + 28 pp. (DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3573.4726). [PDF] [DOI]